The Ultimate Guide on Engineered Wood Flooring in Singapore

What Are The Benefits Of Engineered Wood Flooring?

What are the benefits of Engineered Wood Flooring? Today wood is a common material used for the flooring purpose. Generally flooring is done with timber or sometimes with bamboo. Flooring is of two types namely solid and engineered. Solid floors are generally made up of single piece of wood. They are generally used for structural purpose. Now a day’s these floors are exclusively used for their appearance. And second type is engineered flooring.

Engineered flooring is composed of two layers of wooden plank one over the other. The top is the one that is visible which is attached to the core. The greater stability is due to the reason that each layer is ninety degrees to the layer which is above it. And this is the reason that it can be installed on all types of floors. And it is the most common type of flooring that is used now days. Then there are different categories of engineered wood flooring. Timber woods floors are composed of swan wood and are the most commonly used. Other is veneer floors, they are composite wood product. Acrylic impregnated flooring, it uses a liquid acrylic and then they are hardened.

There are varieties of different installation system for the manufacturing process. One of the methods is tongue and groove. The plank has a groove at one end and one of the sides. And at the other side also has a tongue. The groove and tongue fits together which results in the alignment of the plans together. One more method is by floor connection method. There are varieties of connection systems. There are grooves on all the sides of the plank and there are separate unconnected piece. And when plunged together, they are inserted into one another. The pieces that are used for the connection purpose are often made up of wood. The flooring can be done using the glue also.

Some of the main benefits of the engineered flooring is that it can be used where the floor radiate lots of heat through its surface. It is more money efficient flooring. These floors can be stapled or glued any time needed. Also this floor can be removed any time you want or while shifting your home. It also gives the same warmth as any other traditional wood flooring. This type of flooring is available in different types of sizes, designs and patters. This type of flooring is the most popular type of flooring that is used now days. Engineered flooring is more durable than any other flooring pattern. Because of the bottom layer it becomes more stable. It is more resistant to moisture. Its installation is generally more quick and clean. Maintenance part of the engineered flooring is also very cost effective and easy. As the engineered flooring is resistant to dust and other various infections it has better health considerations.

This floor is water resistant. So any damage due to moisture or water is not possible. With proper maintenance the life of the engineered flooring can be increased many times. And it adds to the life and the beauty of the floor of the house and makes it a dream house worth living.