How Much Does It Cost To Install Laminate Flooring For HDB?
October 26, 20195 Best Laminate Flooring Colors To Choose For HDB
October 26, 20194 Mistakes To Avoid When Choosing Laminate Flooring for HDB
If you have finally decided replace or put down a new floor in your home, and you are perplexed or overwhelmed by floors plethora of styles and designs in the market, the following are 4 Laminate flooring to avoid for HDB. No doubt, flooring materials play a very vital role in giving your room the final aesthetic value. The floor is very important because it attracts instant, and is also key in determining the resale value of the home. No matter the appearance of your home, flooring can dramatically change its appearance. Laminate flooring is among the most popular flooring options in Singapore, and can give your room a durable and unique floor, that is resistant to scratches and also easy to clean. However, if you want to get the best results from laminate flooring, it is good to choose the best laminate flooring. Here are 4 laminate flooring to avoid for HDB in Singapore.
Avoid low quality laminate boards that do not me environmental regulations.
One of the common mistake that many people do when choosing laminate flooring is paying more attention to the thickness of the board rather than quality. Laminate flooring depends on the material, cost and style. Although you should also consider thickness of the board, thickness alone will not do the trick, and thus it is very important to pay more attention to the quality of laminate flooring alongside thickness. Always choose a thicker board, but remember to check for materials used as well as the manufacturing used, so as to understand its quality.
In addition, don’t buy before checking for certification. This another very important consideration that you should remember when shopping for laminate flooring. Always check for ISO 4001 and ISO 9001 ratings. ISO 9001 rating shows the quality of the board material used, while ISO 4001 rating ensure that a particular board is within the set environmental standards. For example, laminated woods is a very eco-friendly way to do flooring. Laminate wood is made from processed wood and therefore it offers a great way to save many trees.
Avoid laminate flooring that do not have UV protections.
Another common mistake that many people make when renovating home is that they fail to check for UV light protections. Many people look at the texture design or the glossy surface and they choose the laminate boards for their floors without checking its UV protection.
Only to find after few years, the color is fading due to sunlight, and they end up regretting for not choosing laminate flooring with UV surface. Always ensure you choose laminate flooring that provides UV surface for protection from sunlight and any other exposure that will ruin its quality. For example, wood laminate flooring will not only give great look, but it will keep its color for year.
Do not rush to buy without specific reason for installing laminate flooring.
Choosing high quality flooring is never enough, but the reason for installing is of supreme importance. For example, you should choose flooring according to the traffic in your house. For instance, if you want to buy flooring for parts with less traffic such as bedrooms, then you choose laminate flooring with AC1 rating board.
However, if you are looking for laminate flooring for a room with very foot high traffic such as department store, bathroom, kitchen or any other part of your room, then you should choose laminate flooring with AC5 rating. AC rating is the resistance of laminate to wear as well as it lifespan, when properly maintained AC5 can withstand higher traffic than AC1.
Do not buy exact fitting board.
Although this may seem obvious, quick and simple many people still buy exact fitting board. When buying laminate flooring board, it is good to buy 3 to 5 inches bigger than actual fitting size. The extra size will give you assurance that the board will fit even if you had mistakes in your measurements.
Undoubtedly, if you are looking for dent and scratch resistant flooring, laminate flooring is right type of flooring. It is also very easy to install since they require no adhesive. It is also easy to maintain laminate flooring than other flooring for HDB in Singapore. But you should always avoid the above 4 mistakes.